Writing Control Validation in common place without writing on every control's event
here i'm going to allowing only numeric validation, i'm going to write this code in ControlValidation Class. its my own class.
Public Sub Allow_Control_Numeric(ByRef Cntrl As Control, ByVal pMsgTitle As String, Optional ByVal pNoOfDecimal As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal AllowNegative As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal AllowBlank As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal isCorrectFormatRequired As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal AllowZero As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal pIsQtyColumn As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal pTxtValidationCntrl As Control = Nothing, Optional ByVal pIsReadOnlyCntrl As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal pTxtValidationCntrlFlag As ValidationColumnFlag = ValidationColumnFlag.PartNo, Optional ByVal pIsPriceColumn As Boolean = False)
Dim _controlValidation = New ControlValidation
_controlValidation._Txt_Cntrl = Cntrl
_controlValidation._MsgTitle = pMsgTitle
_controlValidation._NoOfDecimal = pNoOfDecimal
_controlValidation._AllowNegative = AllowNegative
_controlValidation._AllowBlank = AllowBlank
_controlValidation._isCorrectFormatRequired = isCorrectFormatRequired
_controlValidation._AllowZero = AllowZero
_controlValidation._IsQtyColumn = pIsQtyColumn
_controlValidation._Txt_Validation_Cntrl = pTxtValidationCntrl
_controlValidation._validationFlag = pTxtValidationCntrlFlag
_controlValidation._IsPriceColumn = pIsPriceColumn
If _gQtyValidationClasses.Contains(_stackTrace.GetFrames(1).GetMethod.ReflectedType.Name) Or _gQtyValidationClasses.Contains("*") Then
_controlValidation._QtyAllowClass = True
_controlValidation._QtyAllowClass = False
End If
'' To Set max Length for all Qty Controls
If pIsQtyColumn Then
If TypeOf Cntrl Is TextBox Then
If _controlValidation._QtyAllowClass = True Then
CType(Cntrl, TextBox).MaxLength = _gQtyTotalSize
CType(Cntrl, TextBox).MaxLength = _gQtyTotalSizeOthers
End If
End If
ElseIf pIsPriceColumn Then
If TypeOf Cntrl Is TextBox Then
CType(Cntrl, TextBox).MaxLength = _gPriceNumberSize + _controlValidation._NoOfDecimal + 1
End If
End If
RemoveHandler Cntrl.KeyUp, AddressOf _controlValidation.Control_KeyUp
RemoveHandler Cntrl.Validated, AddressOf _controlValidation.Control_Validated
AddHandler Cntrl.KeyUp, AddressOf _controlValidation.Control_KeyUp
AddHandler Cntrl.Validated, AddressOf _controlValidation.Control_Validated
End Sub
Private Sub Control_KeyUp()
If _IsQtyColumn Then
If _QtyAllowClass Then
_NoOfDecimal = Get_Part_UOM_Result(_Txt_Validation_Cntrl.Text, _validationFlag)
_NoOfDecimal = _gQtyDecimalSizeOthers
End If
End If
_Txt_Cntrl.Text = _validation.Check_Numeric(_Txt_Cntrl.Text, _MsgTitle, _NoOfDecimal, _AllowNegative, _AllowBlank, True, False, _AllowZero, _IsQtyColumn, _QtyAllowClass, _IsPriceColumn)
End Sub
Private Sub Control_Validated()
If _IsQtyColumn Then
If _QtyAllowClass Then
_NoOfDecimal = Get_Part_UOM_Result(_Txt_Validation_Cntrl.Text, _validationFlag)
_NoOfDecimal = _gQtyDecimalSizeOthers
End If
End If
_Txt_Cntrl.Text = _validation.Check_Numeric(_Txt_Cntrl.Text, _MsgTitle, _NoOfDecimal, _AllowNegative, _AllowBlank, True, _isCorrectFormatRequired, _AllowZero, _IsQtyColumn, _QtyAllowClass, _IsPriceColumn)
End Sub
In validation class,
Public Function Check_Numeric(ByVal pValue As String, ByVal pMsgTitle As String, Optional ByVal pNoOfDecimal As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal AllowNegative As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal AllowBlank As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal pErrMsgRequired As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal isCorrectFormatRequired As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal AllowZero As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal pIsQty As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal pQtyAllowClass As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal pIsPrice As Boolean = False) As String ', ByVal pMsgBoxTitle As String, Optional ByVal pFrac As Boolean = False) As Char
' Checking Fractions value it must be >= 0
If Not (pNoOfDecimal >= 0 And pNoOfDecimal <= 99) Then
If pErrMsgRequired Then
MessageBox.Show(My.Resources.E709, pMsgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End If
Return ""
End If
'' Checking Numerics
If IsNumeric(pValue) Or (pValue = "-" And AllowNegative = True) Or (pValue = "." And pNoOfDecimal > 0) Then
If pIsQty Then ' Qty Validation
Dim _QtyDecValue As String = ""
Dim _QtyNoValue As String = ""
'Dim _RetValue As String = ""
If Len(pValue) > IIf(pQtyAllowClass = True, _gQtyTotalSize, _gQtyTotalSizeOthers) Then
MessageBox.Show(My.Resources.E1606 & " " & IIf(pQtyAllowClass = True, _gQtyTotalSize, _gQtyTotalSizeOthers), pMsgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
Return ""
End If
_QtyNoValue = Mid(pValue, 1, IIf(InStr(pValue, ".") > 0, InStr(pValue, ".") - 1, Len(pValue)))
_QtyDecValue = IIf(InStr(pValue, ".") > 0, Mid(pValue, InStr(pValue, ".") + 1), "")
If Len(_QtyNoValue) > IIf(pQtyAllowClass = True, _gQtyNumberSize, _gQtyNumberSizeOthers) Or Len(_QtyDecValue) > pNoOfDecimal Then
If Not pQtyAllowClass Then
MessageBox.Show(My.Resources.E1607 & " (" & IIf(pQtyAllowClass = True, _gQtyNumberSize, _gQtyNumberSizeOthers) & " , " & pNoOfDecimal & " ) ", pMsgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
If pNoOfDecimal <= 0 Then
MessageBox.Show(My.Resources.E1607 & " (" & IIf(pQtyAllowClass = True, _gQtyNumberSize, _gQtyNumberSizeOthers) & " , " & pNoOfDecimal & " ) " & My.Resources.E1608, pMsgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
MessageBox.Show(My.Resources.E1607 & " (" & IIf(pQtyAllowClass = True, _gQtyNumberSize, _gQtyNumberSizeOthers) & " , " & pNoOfDecimal & " ) " & My.Resources.E1609, pMsgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End If
End If
'_RetValue = Mid(_QtyNoValue, 1, _gQtyNumberSize)
'If Len(_QtyDecValue) > pNoOfDecimal Then
' If pNoOfDecimal > 0 Then
' _RetValue = _RetValue & "." & Mid(_QtyDecValue, 1, pNoOfDecimal)
' End If
'End If
Return ""
End If
End If
If pIsPrice Then
'Dim _PriceDecValue As String = ""
Dim _PriceNoValue As String = ""
_PriceNoValue = Mid(pValue, 1, IIf(InStr(pValue, ".") > 0, InStr(pValue, ".") - 1, Len(pValue)))
'_PriceDecValue = IIf(InStr(pValue, ".") > 0, Mid(pValue, InStr(pValue, ".") + 1), "")
If Len(_PriceNoValue) > _gPriceNumberSize Then
MessageBox.Show(My.Resources.E1610 & " (" & _gPriceNumberSize & " , " & pNoOfDecimal & " ) ", pMsgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
Return ""
End If
End If
If AllowNegative = False Then ' checking if allownegative is false it should be positive values
If Val(pValue) < 0 Then 'Or Val(FormatNumber(pValue, pNoOfDecimal, TriState.True, , TriState.False)) < 0 Then
If pErrMsgRequired Then
MessageBox.Show(My.Resources.E710, pMsgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End If
Return "" ''Math.Abs(Val(pValue)) ''Commented by Ravi on 12-09-2011. just clear,no need to correct the format.
End If
If IsNumeric(pValue) Then
If Val(FormatNumber(pValue, pNoOfDecimal, TriState.True, , TriState.False)) < 0 Then
If pErrMsgRequired Then
MessageBox.Show(My.Resources.E710, pMsgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End If
Return ""
End If
End If
End If
' To get first . (dot) position
Dim _DotExists As Boolean = False
Dim _DotPosition = InStr(pValue, ".")
If _DotPosition = 0 Then
_DotPosition = Len(pValue)
_DotExists = True
End If
' getting Decimal values after .
Dim _DecimalValue = Mid(pValue, _DotPosition + 1, Len(pValue))
'Dim _IntValue As Integer
'If _DotExists Then
' _IntValue = Mid(pValue, 1, _DotPosition - 1)
' _IntValue = Mid(pValue, 1, _DotPosition)
'End If
If Not AllowZero Then
If pValue <> "-" And pValue <> "." Then
If Val(pValue) = 0 Then
MessageBox.Show(My.Resources.E1611, pMsgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
Return ""
End If
End If
End If
If (Len(_DecimalValue) > pNoOfDecimal) Or (pNoOfDecimal = 0 And _DotExists = True) Then
' careful focus when changing this conditions
If pErrMsgRequired Then
If pNoOfDecimal = 0 Then
MessageBox.Show(My.Resources.E711, pMsgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
MessageBox.Show(My.Resources.E712 & pNoOfDecimal, pMsgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End If
End If
If pValue = "-" Or pValue = "." Then
Return pValue
If isCorrectFormatRequired Then
Return "" 'FormatNumber(pValue, pNoOfDecimal, TriState.True, , TriState.False) '' No need to round off
Return ""
End If
End If
End If
'' when no error , it comes here..
'' Convert valid numeric value to correct format
If isCorrectFormatRequired Then
If pValue = "." Or pValue = "-" Then
Return ""
Return FormatNumber(pValue, pNoOfDecimal, TriState.True, , TriState.False)
End If
Return pValue
End If
If Trim(pValue) = "" And AllowBlank = True Then
'' to skip when numeric values can allow blank values
If pErrMsgRequired Then
MessageBox.Show(My.Resources.E713, pMsgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End If
Return ""
End If
End If
Return pValue
End Function
Callling this function :
_controlValidation.Allow_Control_Numeric(_Value, MsgTitle, _2, False, True, False)