Reading Data Byte wise from File in .Net
Question :
あ絵ddえbだあ . . . . ( which is Row 1 )
and Client has given one structure to read that txt file that is
Fields Name Starting Byte Position Byte Length
CustCode 1 4
Part No 5 10
so here.. first 4 bytes are customer code and next 10 bytes are part no..
if i split this by character which will be wrong..
Example : CustCode will be "あ絵dd"
Part No will be "えbだあ"
which is completely wrong...
but i want result as
CustCode will be "あ絵"
Part No will be "ddえbだあ"
because characters used in English are considered as 1 byte and characters used in chinese or japanese are considered as 2 byte.
This is what result i want..
Answer :
Dim Sr As New System.IO.StreamReader(FileName)
While Not Sr.EndOfStream
Dim LineValue = Sr.ReadLine
Dim _CustCode=GetStringByBytesLineValue,1,4)
Dim _PartNo=GetStringByBytesLineValue,5,10)
Public Function GetStringByBytes(ByVal pSourceValue As String, ByVal pStartingBytePos As Integer, ByVal pByteLength As Integer) As String
Dim _DesArr(pByteLength - 1) As Byte
Dim _SplitedString As String
Dim _byt() = GetBytes(pSourceValue)
System.Array.Copy(_byt, pStartingBytePos, _DesArr, 0, pByteLength)
_SplitedString = GetString(_DesArr)
Return _SplitedString
End Function
Public Function GetBytes(ByVal pSourceValue As String) As Byte()
Dim utfobj = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GB18030") // Based on Language this Encoding Format would change
Return utfobj.GetBytes(pSourceValue)
End Function
Public Function GetString(ByVal pByteValue() As Byte) As String
Dim utfobj = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GB18030") // Based on Language this Encoding Format would change
Return utfobj.GetString(pByteValue)
End Function